Upgrades at Gamston Airport

Construction at Gamston Airport

Gamston Airport has been operating as a much-valued General Aviation facility for over 30 years, providing support and facilities for private flyers as well as local businesses.


The airport is now entering an exciting new era and has been under new ownership since December 2021, by automotive testing and research organisation, Thatcham Research.


The ambition for the site is to create a centre of excellence for future mobility solutions, where aviation and automotive will coexist in a ‘dual-operations’ environment.


The aerodrome received substantial upgrades and improvements between June to September 2022. With the first phase focused on ensuring the continued safe operation of aviation with upgrades to the main runway, markings and runway lighting, as well as development of part of the site for vehicle technology testing and safety research.



  • Runway upgrades: new markings, AGL
  • Resurfacing works
  • Airfield lighting upgrades
  • New signage
  • Tarmacking of Peri-track to support dual-operations
  • Expansion of aircraft parking availability
  • Repairs to hangar roofs


Whilst this phase of the construction is complete, the site will continue to receive further investment and improvements.

Introduction to Dual Operations

Dual Operations do not affect the airports published, opening hours in any way.


Car testing operations take place in various locations across the Airport. The testing will not prevent the use of the aerodrome however, it will restrict access to certain locations whilst some specific tests are undertaken. For example, your aircraft may be parked in a different location when you arrive or, taxiway bravo may be closed temporarily.  The main runway may be closed in which case the unlicensed runway 14/32 will be available.


The overall impact on users is minor. The latest information will be displayed on the reception area notice boards and will advise of day-to-day activities and any possible restricted areas. Where necessary, NOTAMs will also be issued.


We’re confident that any inconveniences for users will be kept to an absolute minimum. While we will do everything that we can to maintain our levels of service, please continue to provide appropriate advance notice of your requests, especially aircraft tugging. It will be important to check the notice boards and NOTAMs for the latest information upon your arrival at the Airport.


When visiting the airport, please be vigilant when walking airside, especially during periods of increased activity. If you require assistance, please speak to a member of staff.


For safety, Hi-Viz garments are a mandatory requirement on the airfield.